"Go And Make Disciples"
No matter your age, we have a place for you here. Whether you join us for one of our Sunday morning services or visit us throughout the week, here at Trinity Gospel Temple you will find a place to grow and strengthen your faith.
Our church is filled with staff and volunteers that love the word of God and find no joy greater than bringing a fellow brother or sister to the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our mission as a church is to fulfill the mission that Jesus so explicitly presented us; To make disciples of All Nations.
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" Matthew 28:19

Trinity School of Biblical Studies
With over 40 years in the ministry, Dr. Sharon Carnes leads her biblical studies class every Wednesday evening at 6:30 pm and on Sundays at 9 am. If you are looking for an in-depth class that takes you through the stories of the Bible, this will surely be the class for you.
"She is like a biblical thesaurus. Whenever I have questions, she is the one that I ask"

Office Hours
Brother Dave offers a small encouraging message throughout the week. If you would like to hear what he has to say tune into our Facebook page or click below

Brother Dave & The Hour of Power Singers
Every Sunday morning, for the past 55 years, Brother Dave has taken the pulpit to preach the truth to the Masses. Accompanied by "The Hour of Power Singers and Orchestra" this ministry has brought thousands upon thousands to the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

Children & Youth Ministry
No matter the age of your children, we have a place for them within our church. From nursery age to grade school all the way up to high school, your child will receive the truth of the gospel taught by one of our leaders. So not only can you come to church, but your kids can too!

Jesus Christ People Care Center
It is our mission to not only teach the gospel and love Jesus but also to show the love of Jesus through our actions. Every 3rd Thursday of every month we have our food giveaway where those in need can receive groceries as well as a free haircut if they desire. We have many programs and missions in place so that we can help those in need. if you or someone is in need, call our office and we will be more than happy to help.